Keyword List

psychological distress

Mental health of HIV/AIDS orphans

Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is one of the best known deadly diseases in the world, due to its devastating impact…

Psychological distress among orphaned youth and youth reporting sexual exploitation in Kampala, Uganda

Psychological distress is a priority health issue in low- and middle-income countries; however, it is inadequately addressed among vulnerable youth living in extremely…

Multi-informant perspective on psychological distress among Ghanaian orphans and vulnerable children within the context of HIV/AIDS

Background: There is little knowledge about the psychosocial distress of children affected by human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency…

Peer-group support intervention improves the psychosocial well-being of AIDS orphans: Cluster randomized trial

Accumulating evidence suggests that AIDS orphanhood status is accompanied by increased levels of psychological distress such as anxiety, depression, intense guilt,…

Causes and consequences of psychological distress among orphans in eastern Zimbabwe

Substantial resources are invested in psychological support for children orphaned or otherwise made vulnerable in the context of HIV/AIDS (OVC). However, there…